Piercing vs. Tattoo

There are many reasons to get a new tattoo or a new piercing, but being bored shouldn’t be one of them. Both tattoo artists and professional body piercers take pride in their work. When you get something done by them they want to know that you truly like the new addition, will properly care for it, and wear it with pride. If you get a tattoo or piercing done out of sheer boredom, you will do none of those once the novelty wears off and it wears off fast.

If you are bored, before heading to the nearest shop to get something random, do some research! If you are wanting a new tattoo, you have some decisions to make. What is most important to you: finding a tattoo to fit on a particular body part or finding a tattoo that really speaks to you and then deciding where you want to place it? Once you have that answer then the fun begins! Unlike 25 years ago when most tattoos were done from flash in a book or on the wall, the internet is overflowing with ideas. Even so, don’t be afraid to pick out a basic idea that you like and customize it yourself! A good artist is only limited by your imagination and your budget. If your budget does not accommodate what you really want, rather than shop the price around, if you found an artist who can make your vision a true piece of art, consider saving up for it. If you cannot afford a good tattoo, then odds are you cannot afford removal or a great cover-up. Planning for the piece you really want and will be happy with for the rest of your life really is worth the wait.

Itching for a piercing or two? While piercings are indeed more temporary than tattoos, they deserve just as much thought and care. When it comes to aftercare, they are actually more of a commitment! Consider what is practical for you in this moment: is this piercing something that violates HR policies at work? While it totally sucks that in 2025 we have to consider such things, we do. Sometimes it is a safety issue, depending upon the piercing and where you work. Sometimes it is a matter of company policy that hasn’t evolved over the last 20 years concerning body modification and body arts. Either way, having a good day at work definitely doesn’t involve being hassled by management over a new piercing.

Before getting a piercing, check to see if there is a policy in writing that clearly states it is prohibited. If you ask verbally, it gives management an opportunity to put something in writing if it isn’t already…so it is best to just check the website HR policies or in any handbook you may have been given. If you are getting a piercing that will not be in plain view, it may be best not to advertise it to co-workers especially in the healing phase. It is surprising what people mentally discriminate against and you never know if Betty in accounting will start spreading malicious rumors that hurt your reputation at work over something so simple as a cute dermal on your chest or VCH piercing. While it may be no big deal to you, others may use it as reason not to promote you or give you a raise without ever saying as much. Discreet piercings are discreet for a reason.

If company policy requires you to wear a retainer after the healing period, is that something you are willing to do? If so, make sure you buy 3 or more retainers at a time so that you always have one handy in case you lose one. Your piercings should not be a source of stress. Do we sell retainers here at Holey Rapture? Yes! We are happy to hook you up with what you need to keep you employed and happy with your piercing. Just hit us up on IG @holeyrapturedenver and let us know what you need!

Last, but certainly not least, once your piercing is healed and you can change it out for new jewelry, 1) do you know how to change it out and 2) are you comfortable doing it yourself? As I travel around selling at shows, I am finding way too many people who have no idea how to change their jewelry and have never put anything new in. Half the fun of having piercings is being able to switch them out depending upon your mood or even your outfit! There are numerous videos on YouTube that show you how to change out your piercing and provide helpful tips to make it less frustrating. Below is a short video highlighting 5 tools to have at home so that you can easily change out your pieces and feel confident about doing so!